BOCCIA in Nepal

The History of boccia sports traces back in 2006. When Ms. Goma Devi poudel the current president of Nepal Boccia association returned back in Kathmandu from Tokyo after completing 6 week training around “promotion of social integration through sports of persons with disability organized by Jica, She initiated a Promotion of Boccia game in Nepal through sharing and conducting dialogue among her few likeminded friends about the important of the Sports . Finally they decided to form an association called Nepal Boccia Association for the Disabled (NBAD). Since then NBAD carried out series of Activities to fulfill its objectives and core values.

Nepal Boccia Association for the Disabled (NBAD) is non-governmental and non-profitable organization dedicated for promoting the appropriate sports and recreation of persons with disabilities through Boccia game. As the Non-Government Organization, NBAD was established in 2064 and was registered under the institutions enrollment act 2034 in the district administration office Kathmandu.

NBAD has been conducting several activities and programs for promoting Boccia game, as a special game for persons with disabilities in Nepal by now. NBAD is focusing basically to the children with severe disabilities like cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy as the key target group to encourage them for Boccia game as well as their parent’s involvement in the sports activities so that maximum involvement of those target groups since the game is more friendly for them.